Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech adalah kalimat tak langsung, yaitu kalimat yang dikatakan olehh orang lain (mungkin di tempat dan waktu yang berbeda) berdasarkan apa yang dikatakan langsung oleh penutur pertama. “Indirect Speech” disebut juga reported speech atau quoted speech.

1. Dalam indirect speech, “the past continuous tense” yang digunakan dengan when clause tidak mengalami perubahan.
2. Dalam British English, penulisan tanda kutip menggunakan tanda kutip satu (‘ ‘), sedangkan dalam American English, penulisannya menggunakan tanda kutip dua (“ “).
3. ‘should’ yang digunakan dengan I dan We (British) mempunyai arti akan bukan sebaliknya.
‘should’ berubah menjadi would dalam indirect speech.
a) He said, ‘ I should be happy.’  He said that he would be happy
b) He said, ‘I shall be happy.’  He said that he would be happy

4. Untuk suatu pernyataan yang benar secara universal. Kita dapat menggunakan the simple
present tense da dalam noun clause.
a) He said that the sun rises in the east.
b) He said that the sun rose in the east.

5. Jika introductory verb atau kata kerja dalam klausa utama dalam bentuk the simple present,
the present perfect atau the dimple future tense, maka dalam indirect speech tidak mengalami perubahan.
a) He says that he is trying to work carefully.
b) She has said that she will never be late again.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
1) He said, ‘I work Hard.’ He said (that) he worked hard
2) He said, ‘I am working hard.’ He said (that)he was working hard
3) He said, ‘I will work hard.’ He said (that) He would work hard
4) He said, ‘I was working hard.’ He said (that) he had been working hard
5) He said, ‘I worked hard.’ He said (that) he had worked hard
6) He said, ‘I have worked hard.’ He said (that) he had worked hard
7) He said, ‘I am going to work hard.’ He said (that) he was going to work hard
8) He said, ‘I can work hard.’ He said (that) he could work hard
9) He said, ‘I may work hard.’ He said (that) he might work hard
10) He said, ‘I might work hard.’ He said (that) he might work hard
11) He said, ‘I must work hard.’ He said (that) he must/had to work hard
12) He said, ‘I have to work hard.’ He said (that) he had to work hard
13) He said, ‘work hard.’ He told me to work hard
14) He said, ‘I should work hard.’ He said (that) he should work hard
15) He said, ‘Don’t leave.’ He told me not to leave
16) He said, ‘Will you come?’ He asked if (wheter or not) I would go.
17) He asked, ‘where are you?’ He asked me where I was
18) He said, ‘I was talking to my teacher when Ann called me.’ He said (that) he was talking to his teacher when Ann called him

Perhatikan perubahan kata keterangan waktu dan kata kerja di dalam Indirect Speech
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
  • Now (sekarang) Then, at that moment (pada waktu itu)
  • Today (hari ini) That thay (hari itu)
  • Yesterday (Kemarin) The day before, the previous day (sehari sebelumnya)
  • Last night (semalam) The night before, the previous night (semalam sebelumnya)
  • Last week (minggu lalu) the week before, the previous week (seminggu sebelumnya)
  • Two days ago (dua hari lalu) Two days before (dua hari sebelumnya)
  • A week ago (seminggu lalu) a week before, the previous week (seminggu sebelumnya)
  • A month ago (sebulan lalu) A month before, the previous month (sebulan sebelumnya)
  • A year ago (setahun lalu) a year before, the previous year (setahun sebelumnya)
  • Tomorrow (besok) the following day, the next day (hari berikutnya)
  • Next week (minggu depan) the following week (minggu berikutnya)
  • Next month (bulan depan) the following month (bulan berikutnya)
  • Next year (tahun depan) the following year (tahun berikutnya)
  • Next Monday (senin depan) the following Monday (senin berikutnya)
  • Here (disini) there (disana)
  • Over here (di sebelah sini) over there (disebelah sana)
  • This (ini) that (itu)
  • These (ini) those (itu)

1. He asked, ‘Did you stay here?’ He asked wheter (or not) I had stayed there
2. He said, ‘I was sick two days ago.’ He said (that) he had been sick two days before/earlier
3. He said, ‘I will work tomorrow.’ He said (that) he would the following/next day
4. He said, ‘I arrived yesterday.’ He said (that) he had arrived the day before/the previous day
5. He said, ‘I was there last week.’ He said (that) he had been there the week before

1 komentar:

  1. AssalamuAlaikum wr"wb Allahu Akbar-Allahu Akbar allah mahabesar.
    Kenalkan saya IBU ULAN TKI membernya yang kemarin aki brikan nmr 4D
    asal dari kota MEDAN, jadi tki di SINGAPUR, mau mengucapkan banyak2
    trimakasih kepada KI PALAH yg sdh membantu kami sekeluarga melalui
    nmr TOGEL SINGAPUR 4D Keluar hari rabu kemarin
    allahamdulillah benar-benar kluar akhirnya dapat BLT Rp.500jt,
    sesuai niat kami kemarin KI, klo sdh jackpot, kami
    mau pulan kampung buka usaha & berhenti jadi TKI, TKW,
    cepek jadi prantauan aki kerena sdh 15 tahun
    jadi tkw nga ada perkembangan, jangankan dibilang
    sukses buat kirim ke Kampung pun buat keluarga susah KI,
    malu KI ama kluarga pulang nga bawah apa2, kita disini hanya
    dpt siksaan dari majikan terkadan gaji tdk dikasih, jadi sekali
    lagi trimakasih byk buat aki sdh membantu kami, saya tdk bakal l
    upa seumur hidup saya atas batuan & budi baik KI PALAH terhadap kami.
    Buat sahabat2 tki & tkw yg dilandai masalah/ingin
    pulang kampung tdk ada ongkos, dan keadaannya sdh kepepet
    tdk ada pilihan lain lg. jangan putus asa, disini kami sdh
    temukan solusi yg tepat akurat & trpercaya banyak yg akui ke
    ahliannya di teman2 facebook dengan jaminan tdk bakal kecewa,
    jelas trasa bedahnya dengan AKI-AKI yang lain, sdh berapa org yg kami
    telpon sebelum KI PALAH semuanya nihil, hanya menambah beban, nga kaya
    KI PALAH kmi kenal lewat teman facebook sdh terbukti membantu
    ratusan tki & tkw termasuk kami yg dibrikan motipasi sangat besar,
    demi allah s.w.t ini kisah nyata kami yg tak terlupakan dalam hidup kami AKI,
    sekali lagi trimakasih byk sdh membantu kami,skrg kami sdh bisa pulang
    dengan membawa hasil.
    Jika sahabat2 merasakan hal yang sama dengan kami.
    silahkan Hubungi KI PALAH siapa cepat dia dapat,
    TERBATASI penerimaan member...wajib 9 member bisa diterimah
    dlm 3x putaran.Hubungi 0823 8831 6351 atau kunjungi situs beliau dengan cara klik
    >>>>KLIK DI SINI<<<<
